Unser breit gefächertes Werkzeug-Sortiment deckt sämtliche Gewerke rund um den Innenausbau ab, und bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Auswahl an Werkzeugen für verschiedenste Anwendungen im und am Haus. Egal, ob Sie schrauben, sägen, hämmern, Oberflächen bearbeiten oder messen möchten: Als Vollsortimenter bieten wir nahezu alle Werkzeug-Artikel für den Heimwerker- und Profianwender aus einer Hand an.

14 Items

High-quality tools guaranteed to get your DIY heart racing

Reliability, durability and quality are the cornerstones of our success and permeate our entire product range - from traditional hand tools and precision engineering tools to construction tools and workshop facilities.
Our product highlights include tried and tested classics as well as innovative new products:

The new Edition Black range of knives features triple-ground blades that are not only extremely sharp, but also highly resistant to corrosion. The hardened tip also makes the knives ideal for use as paint can openers and emergency screwdrivers.

Sustainable product solutions

With our new range of striking tools, we have focussed on above-average durability and resilience. We only use hickory wood for the handles of the axes, hatchets, splitting and sledge hammers. Hickory wood offers a higher density and bending strength compared to conventional ash wood. The high quality was certified by the independent testing and certification body VPA.

Sustainability is also at the heart of our work. Many items are available in FSC-certified packaging. We are gradually reducing the use of plastic packaging by switching to sustainable materials such as regranulates or cardboard. The focus is also on the environmental aspect of the products - the key is often in the detail: For example, we have moved away from using paint on our Connex masonry and smoothing trowels and instead use waxes or a primer. This saves us half a tonne of paint per year. 

Be inspired!